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Frequently asked questions

1. My Accountant is a CPA, and does my taxes once a year. Why do I need a permanent bookkeeper or independent accounting or bookkeeping company?

Unfortunately, lenders, (especially banks), do not make loan decisions primarily on your yearly business tax return filings, because, all it tells them is that your business is legitimate. They want to see your monthly cash flow which an Independent Accounting/Bookkeeping company like us can produce each month. The CPA uses the numbers you provide at the end of each business year to do your taxes. By law, the are not liable for how you get your numbers. Moreover, the CPA is not getting paid to analyze your business to ensure that you are doing as good (or even better) than your competitors. We do this for all our customers. A good business needs to balance its books every month-not just once a year. To get a loan or grant, banks, the SBA, private lenders and investors need to see how your business is doing monthly, quarterly and yearly. G/L Accounting Solutions does all the quantitative work so you as a business owner can focus on what's important to you: running your business, and ensuring that Federal, State and City laws and ordinances are not broken.

2.  My business is new or too small. I really can't afford an accountant or bookkeeper right now.

Your accountant or bookkeeper is your "business eye". A small business owner without an independent accountant or bookkeeper is like a blind man walking through a busy traffic without a guide, or a marathon runner running blind-folded. You need someone to document, show, and properly interpret what the numbers are telling you, no matter how small or young your business is. This is so important that we tell our clients never to start a business without first hiring the services of a knowledgeable and experienced bookkeeper.


3. How many services can I combine at G/L Accounting Solutions? 

As many as you would like. It makes good business sense because it saves you lots of money.


4. Can I pre-pay for any of the businesses I sign up for?

Yes. There's a 10% discount for 6-month pre-payments, and 15% discount for 1 year pre-payments.


5. Do you do automatic debits?

Yes. Directly from your bank account or through credit/debit cards you list on file.

6. I really do not want to sign a minimum 6-month commitment with G/L Accounting Solutions. What else can I do?

It takes about 6 months on average to produce consistent accounting and bookkeeping reports. G/L's 6-month commitment policy actually benefits you as the business owner because it gives you stability, and makes it easier for someone else to keep the books should you choose not to continue with us. Changing an accountant or bookkeeper every month is not a very good idea.

7. As a business owner I already know how to record my accounting transactions and balance my books. I even know how to use QuickBooks. Why should I hire an independent accountant or bookkeeper?

The same reason airlines hire flight attendants: So the Pilots can focus on what's most important: Flying the aircraft safely. Would you feel comfortable flying in an aircraft where the pilot and co-pilot are also the flight attendants, away from the cockpit attending to passengers? The same goes with businesses. Preparing detailed and correct financial statements takes a lot of time and effort, and in business, time is everything. It is "business" taboo for owners to do their own accounting and bookkeeping because it creates opportunities to intentionally (or unintentionally) "cook the books", overlook or ignore critical information, or record personal expenses as business expenses, thus overstating expenses and understating net income. Besides, as a small business owner who does his or her own bookkeeping, you are wasting the precious time you should be spending training your employees, managing your business and taking care of your customers. $250-$450 a month spent on an independent accountant/bookkeeper (depending on the type of service you request), is a token fee to pay for your accounting, bookkeeping, auditing, payroll, or business banking service, so you can have all the time in the world to grow your business, take your family out, meet your suppliers and vendors, spend time with your customers, meet with your bankers, or even shake hands with your local politicians.

8. Why should I choose G/L Accounting Solutions over another company for my accounting, bookkeeping or tax preparation?

Simple: We do more than just accounting and bookkeeping: We tell you the truth- based on the evidence in front of us. We benchmark other businesses like yours, give free advise and recommendations to make sure you are not left behind. In other words, we are committed to the success of your business. This is why we are at your business location at least 2 times a month, and pay attention to your receipts, vendors, customers and employees. We even help spread the word around about your business. And for those who file their taxes with us, we are by your side all the way, and fight for you if you are ever audited-unlike many other tax preparers and bookkeepers who abandon their customers when tax auditors come knocking.

9. Do you accept out of state clients?

Yes. Many of our clients are based out of State, and we are even getting inquiries from as far away as Mexico. Just scan or mail your receipts and all revenue and expense reports to us. We do the  rest and  mail, email or fax the results back to you. We will even pay you a surprise visit-even if you are based outside the United States!


10. Just Curious: What does the "G/L", in G/L Accounting Solutions stand for?
 Ha ha ha! We knew you would ask. It stands for "General Ledger".

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Current Business Clients
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New Arrivals Immigration Consulting
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Sickle Cell Foundation
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Africa Invest Network
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Joshannah Publishing
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Sage Tutoring
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Trusted Care Corp Home Health Agency
2021 E. Dublin Granville Rd
STE 276
Columbus, OH 43229
Landline: (614) 706-6686
Bus Cell:  (614) 966-3538

Fax:         (614) 532-5077
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                                                          Corvid-19 (Corona Virus) Update from CDC

  • KP.3.1.1, a descendant of KP.3, is the top variant in the United States, representing 54–60% of viruses nationally, and increases have slowed.

  • XEC, a hybrid of two JN.1 variants, represents 14–22% of viruses and is increasing.

  • MC.1, a descendant of KP.3.1.1, represents 3–7% of viruses and is increasing.

We are closely monitoring these developments, and would like to assure everyone that it is safe to do business with us. For those clients who don't feel comfortable coming into our offices, virtual meetings using "Zoom" is highly welcome.

Covid 19

​© April 2018 by G/L Accounting Solutions. Proudly created with by Mason T. Joshua.  

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