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Tax Audit Process
The moment of reckoning
A Tax or Workman's Compensation audit is perhaps the most traumatic moment in the life of a business owner.  A mere notice from the authorities that a business is going to be audited, sends chills down every business owner or manager. The good news is that here at G/L Accounting Solutions, we have the experience and patience to guide you through the entire process, making sure you get out of it well. Whether we filed your taxes or someone else did, we:
a.  Prepare you for the entire audit process by going through the standard Bureau of Workman's Compensation or IRS audit
     check list with you, let you use our office, and we sit with you throughout the audit process.

b.  We go through your bookkeeping records (which the IRS will ask for), and your employee payroll records (which the
     Bureau of Workman's Compensation will ask for) for the last 3 years. If you don't have a bookkeeper, we prepare your
ping and payroll records for you before the audit, based on the information you supply.
c.  At the end of the audit, we help you implement all the necessary changes the tax authorities demand.
d.  We help you negotiate an "Offer-in-Compromise" settlement amount that you are comfortable paying back, if the tax
     authorities determine that you or your business owe money.

IRS Tax Audit Representation (Personal audits), with or without "Schedule C", filed "single" -$350.00

IRS Tax Audit Representation (Personal audits), with or without "Schedule C", filed "joint" -$400.00

City/State Audit Representation (Personal audits), single or joint filing- $350.00

IRS Tax Audit Representation, Business Audits ("C-Corp", "S-Corp", "1065 Partnership")- Per partner fee- $750.00

City/State Tax Audit Representation Business Audits ("C-Corp", "S-Corp", "1065 Partnership")- Per partner fee- $500.00

Tax Preparation
To request services, please, click "Disclosures and Payment" below.
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New Arrivals Immigration Consulting
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Sickle Cell Foundation
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Africa Invest Network
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Joshannah Publishing
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Trusted Care Corp Home Health Agency
2021 E. Dublin Granville Rd
STE 276
Columbus, OH 43229
Landline: (614) 706-6686
Bus Cell:  (614) 966-3538

Fax:         (614) 532-5077
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We work with diverse clients worldwide

                                                          Corvid-19 (Corona Virus) Update from CDC

  • KP.3.1.1, a descendant of KP.3, is the top variant in the United States, representing 54–60% of viruses nationally, and increases have slowed.

  • XEC, a hybrid of two JN.1 variants, represents 14–22% of viruses and is increasing.

  • MC.1, a descendant of KP.3.1.1, represents 3–7% of viruses and is increasing.

We are closely monitoring these developments, and would like to assure everyone that it is safe to do business with us. For those clients who don't feel comfortable coming into our offices, virtual meetings using "Zoom" is highly welcome.

Covid 19

​© April 2018 by G/L Accounting Solutions. Proudly created with by Mason T. Joshua.  

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